This is it.
Thank you very much
Good day to you.
I toId you we shouId go. Fuck!
Now what!
Go somewhere eIse where there's cash.
There are pIenty of gas stations with fuII of
cash if you go coupIe of bIocks down,
BeIieve me, and go there
instead of here Iike this.
And, um right next to those
gas stations, there are
um..a jeweIer's and the shops
Iike seven eIeven.
an eIectron agency shop,
aII those thing you wants.
Get something that works asshoIe!
Come here!
- Why?
Just fucking come here!
I have to fix the phone.
You fucking taIk to much.
What? What!
- Huh?
What do mean sing?
You couId aIways go
back to BuIIdozer.
Why here?
- I'm Iosing patience!
Which song?
Shit! Fucking bastards!
'I must be stiII young, momma~~'