Get something that works asshoIe!
Come here!
- Why?
Just fucking come here!
I have to fix the phone.
You fucking taIk to much.
What? What!
- Huh?
What do mean sing?
You couId aIways go
back to BuIIdozer.
Why here?
- I'm Iosing patience!
Which song?
Shit! Fucking bastards!
'I must be stiII young, momma~~'
Why am I'
- Wait!
Getting sad'
- Anything but that crap!
I don't know any other.
Want me to stop?
You die if you stop
'Who said Iove was beautifuI'
'FIame Iike a burning fire'
This is just too much!
Look at the time!
Don't ask why'