Alright, let's get to work.
What's this, Pek?
Unresolved matters,
There are many others,
but these are the most urgent.
These are agrarian problems,
this is the...
You know something, Pek?
We should take a stroll...
...so I can get to know
the place. Don't you think so?
The village is very small, licenciado.
We come to less
than 100 inhabitants...
...most of us
are Indians who...
...have lived here
all our lives.
Good morning.
Don't be offended,
They are good people...
...but most of them...
...don't even speak Spanish.
Don't they learn it at school?
That was the school.
What happened?
They built in the days
of Tata Cardenas.
When the government
...They stopped paying the
teacher and one day he left.
The same old story
What about the doors,
the windows and everything?
That was one of
your colleagues.
What did he do?
One day, the bastard sold them
along with the blackboard...
...benches and
everything of value.
Just like that?
He didn't sell the walls 'cause
nobody wanted to buy them.
He'd have sold the whole
village given the chance.
This has happened with every
mayor we've had, licenciado.
Listen, Pek. What happened
to my predecessor?
Why did he quit?