How terrible!
By the way, what's the name "Dubbie"?
I never heard such a name.
Thank you for coming.
I didn't wanna do this alone.
You know, we can take turns driving,
in case you get tired.
People, may I have your attention,
I need to see the following students:
Ackerman, Blume...
...D. Cohen, R. Cohen...
So where are you going to school?
A Negro school?
Why are you going there?
I mean, you can go anywhere now.
Just because we can
doesn't mean we have to.
And my mother went there, her mother
went there. It's tradition.
No such thing for Sylvan and I.
We're the first ones to go to college.
My family couldn't afford it.
My dad went to work when he was 14.
Take a mulligan.
Heavy rumors about Little Melvin.
He's having trouble
running the numbers.
How so?
Can't get organized.
He's running it into the ground.
So golf's not your game.
I ran into him over at Globus.
I was having lunch.
Comes over to my table.
I don't think it was a coincidence.
He can't work with
white numbers runners...
...and white shop owners
can't work with black runners.
- Think we can cut a deal?
- I think he has no choice.
That was my plan all along.
- So you and Trey fight a lot?
- All the time.