No such thing for Sylvan and I.
We're the first ones to go to college.
My family couldn't afford it.
My dad went to work when he was 14.
Take a mulligan.
Heavy rumors about Little Melvin.
He's having trouble
running the numbers.
How so?
Can't get organized.
He's running it into the ground.
So golf's not your game.
I ran into him over at Globus.
I was having lunch.
Comes over to my table.
I don't think it was a coincidence.
He can't work with
white numbers runners...
...and white shop owners
can't work with black runners.
- Think we can cut a deal?
- I think he has no choice.
That was my plan all along.
- So you and Trey fight a lot?
- All the time.
- About what?
- Everything.
Such as?
Well, he thinks I'm too possessive.
I think he drinks way too much.
And he thinks I'm too demanding
concerning sex.
I mean, I love sex...
...but Trey seems to think I get
a little out of control sometimes.
Out of control.
Trey Travelstead.
We came down from Baltimore.
Travelstead is on the second floor.
Only one visitor at a time.
I can go upstairs, though, right?