- Playing records?
- But it's totally original.
No one's ever done it.
I'm not like everyone else.
Well, everybody else
gets this place cookin'.
I thought it was cooking.
There was a man over here
that was really upset.
He stormed out,
and a lot of other people left
in the middle of your act.
- I can't sell booze--
- It's not about comedy.
It's not about art.
- It's about booze.
- I can't sell booze when you're
singing "Pop Goes the Weasel."
- That's all that matters.
- I'm running a business here.
It's show business.
Show business. Show business.
Without the business,
there's no show.
- There's no show for you.
- Wh-What do you want me to do?
- "Take my wife, please"?
- At least it's a joke. Try some jokes.
Like, "Why did the Siamese twins
go to England?"
I don't know.
Why did they go to England?
So the other one
could drive.
But why doesn't the other one
just learn how to drive?
Whew. Maybe that one
isn't for you.
But do jokes about the traffic,
do impressions,
maybe some blue material.
Thank you very much.
[Piano Continues]
- [Ends]
- Now?