Man on the Moon

It's hysterical.
It gets very funny.

For Christ's sakes,
we're the number one network.
Can't we afford a decent TV?

No, no, no, th-that's
part of the show.

- This is part of the show?
- Yes.

What do you mean,
it's part of the show?

Th-That's the way Andy wants it,
with the rolling.

[Howdy Doody] Thanks, Andy.
I love you too.

Tell Kaufman this network
will never air this program.

Hey, that's
Andy Kaufman.

Do you wanna bet?
Hej. Hej.
Hej, przepraszam.
Ty jesteś Andy Kaufman?

I get that all the time.
To obłęd.
Take off that apron.
No. I'd rather work here
than at ABC.

- Ah, I'm sorry.
They're a bunch of assholes.
- Yeah.

We work in a creative business.
There's no telling what people
are gonna like or dislike.

The only reason why I did Taxi--
the only reason--

was so that I could
have my own special.

I know.
I'll tell you what.

Let me book you
some colleges now,

and then I'll take
the special around.

I'll show it to people
and see if anybody wants to buy it.

We'll have a garage sale.
No, I'm over and out.

- You know, you're not over and out.
- I am over and out.

- You can't be over and out.
- I'll show you over and out.

You've got a deal with ABC.
You've gotta honor it.

All right. How much longer's left
on my contract?

You signed for five years,

- four years and seven months.
- [Groans]
