- a great deal more than that."
- [Shouting Continues]
[Audience Quiets, Laughing]
[As Latka]
Thank you very much.
- "In consequence,
- [Moaning]
I'm inclined
to reserve all judgments,
- a habit that has opened up
many curious natures to me...
- [Booing]
and also made me the victim
of not a few veteran bores."
- Oh, come on!
- No, no. No, no.
No, no, please keep it down.
We've got a long way to go.
"They were the same people,
or at least the same sort of people,
the same profusion of--"
I tell you what.
Would you rather I kept reading,
or do you prefer to hear
the phonograph record?
- I'm sorry. I can't hear you.
- Record!
- Are you positive?
- Yeah!
- Very well then.
- [Man] Yeah, "Mighty Mouse"!
[Andy, British Accent]
"His presence gave the evening
it's quality of oppressiveness.
It stands out in my memory
from Gatsby's other parties
that summer."
The green light,
the orgiastic future...
that year by year recedes before us.
[Clears Throat]
[Hoarse Voice] Tomorrow--
[Clears Throat]
we will run faster,
stretch our arms out
and one fine morning,
so we beat on,
boats against the current,
borne back ceaselessly...
into the past."
The end.
All right!