Message in a Bottle

The work helps me.
Most of all, you help me.
You came into my dream last night
with that smile...

... that always held me
like a lover...

...rocked me like a child.
All l remember from the dream...
:07:20 a feeling of peace.
l woke up with that feeling...
...and tried to keep it alive
as long as l could.

l'm writing to tell you that
l'm on a journey toward that peace.

And to tell you l'm sorry
about so many things.

l'm sorry l didn 't take
better care of you...

:07:46 you never spent a minute
being cold or scared or sick. ''

''I'm sorry I didn't
try harder to find the words. . .

. . .to teII you what I was feeIing.
I'm sorry I never fixed
the screen door.

I fixed it now.
I'm sorry I ever fought with you.
I'm sorry I didn't apoIogize more.
I was too proud.
I'm sorry I didn't
bring you more compIiments. . .

. . .on everything you wore and
every way you fixed your hair.

I'm sorry I didn't hoId on to you
with so much strength. . .

. . .that even God
couIdn't puII you away. ''

Signed, ''AII my Iove, G. ''
That is so sad.
It's not that. It's just. . .
. . .so honest.
This couId be hundreds of years oId.
It's typed, AIva.
Pretty good.
Meaning you wish you'd written it.
I'd have e-maiIed her.
Anyway, I know what you wish.
You wish it had been addressed
''Dear Theresa. ''

Come on now, CharIie. . .
. . .any girI wouId want
to be Ioved Iike that.
