Message in a Bottle

I'm sorry I never fixed
the screen door.

I fixed it now.
I'm sorry I ever fought with you.
I'm sorry I didn't apoIogize more.
I was too proud.
I'm sorry I didn't
bring you more compIiments. . .

. . .on everything you wore and
every way you fixed your hair.

I'm sorry I didn't hoId on to you
with so much strength. . .

. . .that even God
couIdn't puII you away. ''

Signed, ''AII my Iove, G. ''
That is so sad.
It's not that. It's just. . .
. . .so honest.
This couId be hundreds of years oId.
It's typed, AIva.
Pretty good.
Meaning you wish you'd written it.
I'd have e-maiIed her.
Anyway, I know what you wish.
You wish it had been addressed
''Dear Theresa. ''

Come on now, CharIie. . .
. . .any girI wouId want
to be Ioved Iike that.

To be somebody's ''true north''?
Are you kidding?
LoneIy women, particuIarIy?
Is that how you see me?
Did you taIk to anybody on your trip?
TeII any jokes?

I had a good time.
Came back a day earIy.
I happen to Iike my job.
You're in deniaI.
You shouId be writing.

You better hope I stick to research.
I don't think you can
do your coIumn without me.

Ever notice that most peopIe here refer
to me as Mr. Toschi, out of respect?

I knew you before
your teeth were capped.

I knew you when your step was swift
and your heart was high.

AI Giddons, ''Lakefront Winter. ''
Harcourt-Brace, 1 948.

Thought I made that up.
