Oh, it's woken Amy.
Oh, I'll get up.
[ Crying]
[ Crying Continues]
[ Crying ]
There, there, there.
[ Screaming ]
[Ringing Continues ]
[ Man ]
It's about bloody time.
Who is this?
Who do you
think it is?
How are you,
you old bastard?
Bloody hell!
Do you know
what bloody time it is?
What? Shit, no.
No, I don't, mate. No. Sorry.
It's not even 6:00.
Shit, I should be in bed.
I was.
Where are you?
Buggered if I know, mate.
Are... Are you in England?
Yeah, it's definitely England.
Yeah, yeah.
Without a doubt. Yeah.
This is a surprise.
What's it been...
Iike five years?
Yeah, yeah. Something like that.
Listen, listen.
So, what, what?
We going to meet?
Yeah? What, tomorrow? Lunch?
Lunch. Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Right, right. Well,
I'll come over at 1 :00.
Yeah? All right.
Ciao fornow.
Can only be bad news
at this time of the morning.
That was Toni.
He's not gone
vegetarian, has he?
No. Well, he didn't say.
I doubt it.
Knowing Toni,
he could have aligned himself
with some vegan
terrorist faction--
The Popular Front
for the Liberation
of the Frozen Pea.
Look, I'm sorry.
I should have asked you first.
For God's sakes,
stop apologizing.
It's only
Sunday lunch.
He's not
moving in... is he?
He really likes you,
you know.
Oh, gosh.
I feel somehow validated.
It's just...
I never understood
why he had to be so angry
all the time.
He was always angry.
We both were.
We were part
of the Anger Generation.