[Phone Ringing]
[ Man Sighing ]
[ Man ]The phone's ringing.
[ Woman ]What time is it?
It's a wrong number.
Might be something important.
[ Child Crying]
Oh, it's woken Amy.
Oh, I'll get up.
[ Crying]
[ Crying Continues]
[ Crying ]
There, there, there.
[ Screaming ]
[Ringing Continues ]
[ Man ]It's about bloody time.
Who is this?
Who do youthink it is?
How are you,you old bastard?
Bloody hell!
Do you knowwhat bloody time it is?
What? Shit, no.
No, I don't, mate. No. Sorry.
It's not even 6:00.
Shit, I should be in bed.
I was.
Where are you?
Buggered if I know, mate.
Are... Are you in England?
Yeah, it's definitely England.
Yeah, yeah.Without a doubt. Yeah.