[ Laughs ]
How are you feeling?
You don't have to speak English
ifyou don't want to.
No. I want to improve.
I want to.
I want to...
What the word?
"Impress" on you.
You do impress on me
all the time.
Your English hardly needs
improving at all.
Your English
is wonderful.
Oh, liar.
Tell me whatyou're feeling
but not just
generally like-- exactly.
[ Sighing ]
Normal, I suppose.
Okay, now, I want really
what you're feeling.
Tell me.
Uh, I don't know.
I don't know.
You go first.
Well, okay, let's try.
Um, well, um, I'm amused
and surprised
that I have a beautiful
English boyfriend
and, um...
guilty about what my mother
would say about the sex.
And, um...
anxious for her
opinion ofyou
and, uh, maybe
a little bit worried
that I'm not quite
clever enough foryou.
And that you might
want a girlfriend
who's more
than just a secretary.
That's it.
Now you try.
Right, um...
Well, I'm content,
peaceful, tranquil
with, um...
an undercurrent of turbulence.
My God, what was that?
The weather forecast?