I should know better
better than to try
screwing old men.
[ Chris ]
I'm having fun!
Yeah, this is it.
Come on, then.
Up you get.
Up you go.
Up, up, up.
From now on
I'm going to do
what I want.
Of course, you are.
Come on.
No. No, really.
Come on.
Let's get you home.
I'm gonna do
what I want.
No, Toni,
I mean it.
From now on.
I mean it.
[ Rock Music In Background ]
[ Toni ]
What's Marion going to say?
Taxi! Taxi!
Hey, stop there!
In you get.
In you get.
Chris, Chris, Chris,
you do not want sex.
I bloody do.
No, you don't.
Come on.
You're going to bed.
You're going to bed.
You are in the first stage
of a three-stage hangover.
Oh, Toni...
I say, sir.
I say, I've never seen
the likes of it.
I said the sofa.
Go on. Get out.
Out, out.
This is private.
Chris, come on.
Come on. Come on.
Stage one
of this hangover:
Start feeling randy...
And stage two
is pass out--
halfway through.
No. Feeling ran...
Anyway, I want it to be you
that I make love to.
It's me.
No, it's not.
It's me, darling.
No, it's eight pints
of lager with an erection.
Yes, it is.
Get into bed.
Stage one.
Then stage two.
What's stage three?
Stage three, my dear,
is wake up
with a blinding headache.
I feel
absolutely fine.
Bed, bed, bed!
No, I feel... Yeah.
Into bed.
Go on. In, in.
[ Baby Crying ]
I'm going
to get the baby.
Oh, Chris, for God's sake.
Are you coming back?
[ Panting ]
[ Horse Snorting ]