and they cease to see anything
special about it, really
but this is one of
the ideas I've got
for the cover
at the moment.
It's just a rough
thing you know, but...
Fuck me.
An illustrated guide
to the Metropolitan Line.
Yeah, thanks, Toni.
What an enticing
Thanks, you bastard.
Hey, come on.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, don't overdo it,
you know?
You know, it's just
one of a lot of ideas.
It's a great idea.
I'm really not
sure that it's...
I'm gonna do
that one yet.
I look forward to it,
honestly, all right?
What's happened to you, Chris?
What do you mean?
You know what I mean.
[Marion ]
Punk concert?
[ Chris ]
Yeah. He's got a friend
in the band.
You hate punk.
No, I don't.
Yes, you do.
You know you'll hate it.
you're only going
because Toni
wants you to go.
I happen to be
very interested.
They might have
an age policy on the door:
"Middle-aged swingers
strictly banned."
I'm not that old.
You know,
you've developed this
very annoying habit
of constantly telling me
how I should be feeling,
what I will and won't like.
I am capable
of independent thought,
you know?
How long's Toni
staying around this time?
I don't know.
He didn't say.
What's he living on anyway?
Dole and savings, I guess.
You know, he doesn't seem
to be short.
He's probably taking
that Kally woman
for all she's worth.
Well, that's a very...
aggressive way of putting it.
Just an educated guess
based on what
I know about Toni.
You've never liked him,
have you?
No, I like him.
I just don't have
a rose-tinted view
of him, that's all.
You can sound very cynical
sometimes, Marion.
Don't tell me
you've only just noticed.
Yeah, well, anyway,
I'm gonna...
I am gonna go to this gig.