the wife and baby
the job and the mortgage
the answer is yes-- I am
strangely enough.
I believe you.
There's nothing wrong
in any of that.
Okay, no problem.
Just surprised
that's all.
Chris Lloyd
happy ever after in Metroland.
Who'd have
thought it?
They're already calling
them the sexy '60s.
Sexy, saucy '60s.
Oh, it gives you
a hard-on just saying it.
Yeah, Brigitte Bardot,
Anna Karina
Francoise Dorleac.
Think of the sex
going on
in France.
Ifwe were in Paris now...
Strolling down
the Boulevard St. Germain.
Stopping chatting
with friends
kissing on
both cheeks.
Pernod and coffee
with Sartre and de Beauvoir
at Les Deux Magots.
Not much point being
a boulevardier
in the suburbs, is there?
No boulevards
for a start
and Acacia Avenue
doesn't have
quite the same appeal.
I tell you one thing
to be said in favor
of nuclear war:
At least this place
would go up in smoke.
Imagine that,
the whole of Metroland
disappearing in one
brilliant, blinding flash.
A million sand wedges
melted into scrap.
Smoldering mountain
of occasional tables.
Middlesex's topiary
incinerated in an instant.
Could you throw us
our ball back, please?
[Echoing Laughter]
[ Man ]
Talk to yourself.
Only the bloody English.
[ Toni ]
Tennis in the rain.
Poor sods.
Pathetic, isn't it?
And what will they all
end up doing?
Bank managers, the lot of them.
Oh, they can't all
be bank managers.
'Course they can.
Metroland was built
for bank managers.
Actual bank managers.
Retired bank managers.
Student bank managers.
Baby bank managers.
It's like
Invasion ofthe BodySnatchers.
Instead of aliens--
bank managers.
Not me.