[ Woman Screaming Rapturously]
Oh... Ohh! Oh, Chris!
Oh, Chris! Ohh!
[ T apping ]
I knowyou want
to sleep with other women,
Chris, and I understand.
There's nothing
to feel guilty about.
In fact,
I want you to have affairs.
It'll be good for our marriage.
And, of course,
I'll still cookyour dinner
and do your washing
and ironing.
I'm quite tired, Chris.
It's the weekend, love.
Sunday tomorrow.
I'm not really in the mood.
We never make love anymore.
We make love constantly.
I can't even remember
the last time.
Yesterday morning.
Yeah? We used to do it
three times a day.
Well, that was when we
were new to each other.
Anyway, it only happened once
and you complained
about being sore
for a week afterwards.
Sore, but very smug.
[Amy Crying]