Great. The reservation, flowers,
all that stuff?
All taken care of.
Brilliant. Thank you so much. Thanks.
Listen, you don't think
three months is too soon, do you?
l haven't even met her family yet.
What do you think, as a woman?
As a woman? Very risky.
Right. Well, thanks.
That's made me feel a lot better.
You've brought me just under
half the paintings just over...
...two weeks late
for the fifth time this year.
You gonna sign
or do l take it all back?
That's it, is it?
That's your response to this?
All right, guys, load it up.
l'll sign. Lovely.
Thank you so much.
You've been a huge help.
Note: Call Better Business Bureau.
Other note: Seek lost testicles.
Michael? Need a lift?
That's nice of you. l'm actually
picking up Gina from school.
That's fine. We're going
that way. Hop in.
Do you know Mr. Morganson?
Michael Felgate.
Very nice to meet you.
We're very excited...
...that you might be thinking of us
for your father's collection.
Mr. Morganson was at today's sale.
Well, not typical, if l may say so.
l think every auction house in New York
has these delivery hiccups.
Sotheby's doesn't seem to.