You're Gina's guy.
You own that auction house.
No, l just run it
for the owner.
lnteresting line of business.
What's the deal with that?
You get to pick the paintings?
l used to. Now l just pick
fights with truck drivers.
-Delivery problems?
-Right, yeah.
You know, l love art.
What's that supposed to mean?
Johnny, it don't mean nothing.
-What'd l say?
You know what you said. You like
the guy? You find him attractive?
Chrissakes, Johnny!
-Something's going on here!
-Nothing's going on!
l apologize. My son is very emotional.
l think you understand.
l hate to disturb Mr. Vitale.
l was just wondering,
does anyone have his home--?
Mr. Vitale.
My God! Michael, finally.
You know, Gina keeps telling me
how busy you are...
...but better late than never.
-So did you meet everyone?
-l think so.
Carmine. Louie.
That is Uncle Vito.
-A pleasure.
So, right--
Are you mostly family, then?