You two should talk.
Good luck with them trucks.
Thanks. Mr. Vitale, it's
really nice to meet you at last.
l just dropped by to ask you a question.
ls that right, a question? l have
an idea what that question might be.
You do?
lf we're gonna do this right, shouldn't
we get to know each other first?
-Of course.
-l suppose so.
You know something, Michael...
...l think l'm gonna like you.
l believe very deeply
in first impressions.
l fell in love with my wife at first
sight. And the minute they showed...
...that Charles Manson on the news, l
said, ''l know this guy's up to no good.''
Now l see you for the first time
and l know you love my daughter.
Look, Mr. Vitale, here's the thing--
l wanna show you something.
For chrissakes, Ritchie,
l can't hear myself think!
What's wrong with you?
l don't know!
The kid's got a 1 74 lQ,
and what do you get? An idiot.
l mean, he's my son and l love him.
And l wish there was another word.
There isn't.
Mr. Vitale, do you have a bathroom?
Down the hall. You can't miss it.
Come upstairs when you're through.