Mickey Blue Eyes

l just thought--
l know! And l do!
l do so much!
Well, that's great.
That's fantastic.
But l can't! l....
l just can't!
Gina, l'm not following.
-What's happening?
-l can't talk about this in the house.

So where are we going?
Right. Nowhere too dressy, l hope.
l can't marry you, because of my father.
Your father?
l just met your father.
l loved him.
Well, l needed this address,
so l went to The The Trattoria.

l met some of your relations.
lKeep walking.
So who'd you meet? Nice Uncle Vito?
Full name: Vito Graziosi.
That ring any bells?

Was it boxing?
Vito ''The Butcher'' Graziosi. He's
the head of the Graziosi crime family.

Did you meet Johnny?
Johnny Graziosi just finished eight
years in Sing Sing for loansharking.

Vinnie ''The Shrimp'' d'Agostino!
Twenty years for double murder!

Do you get the picture?
l don't understand. Are you saying...
...your dad's some kind of mob caterer?
