My father was in prison
till l was eight, Michael.
He's one of them.
Just keep walking.
l should've told you months ago
or just walked away.
Normally l would have, but
l couldn't because l was so happy.
Listen. l don't wanna
marry your father.
But you will, Michael, whether you
like it or not. Him and his friends.
l can't let that happen,
because l love you.
Everything they touch ends up
spoiled and corrupted.
Wait a minute! This is ridiculous.
For a start, l might not be corruptible.
lt's a little favor,
a tiny lie and you're theirs.
Believe me, l've seen it.
No, l'm sorry.
lt's just over, Michael.
Well, no.
l've waited all my life to find
someone l love as much as l love you.
And l'm just not gonna let
this or anyone come between us.
Not Vito ''The Butcher''
or Vinnie ''The Baker'' ...
...or anyone involved in any kind
of food preparation. End of story.
But you don't know how clever they are.
But you do, presumably, and you can
tell me. We can do this together.
Completely together?
Completely. l swear.
Now just give in.