lt's very...
...intriguing, isn't it?
Tell me, why does...
...Jesus have a machine gun?
lt's symbolic. You have to ask Johnny.
He does them as part of his therapy.
You have a very gifted son, Vito.
No two ways about it.
Well, l must say, l like the way...
-...the blood oozes out of his cranium.
-l like that.
He's very talented, wouldn't you say?
Yes, l think he certainly has something.
l'm flattered that you like it.
Listen, Michael. We should talk.
l have friends in various fields...
...that would be delighted
to help a friend of mine.
Well, that's extremely kind of you...
...but l've always had this thing about
standing on my own two feet in business.
l hope you understand.
Of course.
l respect your feeling.
You're nobody
Till somebody loves you