Mickey Blue Eyes

-We worked out the signals.

With the old lady.
lf you want her to start bidding,
you cough.

Easy enough.
lf you want her to stop bidding,
you just say ''ha.''

Fine. What? Say what?
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
And welcome to
''Portraiture: 1 450 to 1 750.''

And down it goes, then...
...at $25,000 to bidder number 977.
And so to our final piece
of the evening...

...and a last-minute addition
to your catalog...

...lot number 277A...
...oil on canvas, signed by the artist:
The Road To Damascus
by Jonathan Graziosi.

This item...
...has a reserve of $50,000.
Fifty thousand, anyone?

Well, too bad. Thank you very much.
That concludes the business for--
Was that--?
We have $50,000.
Fifty thousand dollars.
Fifty-five, anyone?
All through. All done, then...
...at $50,000 to bidder number 235.
