Big fire over on 72nd Street.
A restaurant or something?
Some art place.
That's it.
There are some men here
to see you from the FBl.
Good, good.
We often sell works
by first-time artists.
l don't see how this time
is any different.
This painting was bought
by a restaurant owner...
...who owed the artist's father $50,000.
lt's a setup.
They bought it from themselves.
l don't understand. Someone buys your
painting for 50,000, you make 50,000.
But if they owed you the money,
you make nothing.
lt's called money laundering.
You mind?
Not at all, no.
They do it through
car washes, restaurants...
...bars and, last night, through you.
Have you at any time
come into contact...
...with anyone who might be
connected with organized crime?