We'd appreciate that.
We're dealing with something
pretty ugly here.
Here's my card.
Thank you.
Oh, those. Thank you.
Gina is in reception.
Good. Thank you.
l know what you're thinking.
lt's okay. Relax.
Mr. Felgate.
Where did you want this?
ln my office. Thank you.
Quick as you can.
Vito and Johnny are
taking more of a liking to the idea...
...than any of us had perhaps
originally anticipated.
My God! lt's out of control!
You can't control it!
Listen now. lt is not out of control.
l have to tell Gina.
Tonight is your last auction
of the season, right?
Just keep Gina away from there.
Go on your honeymoon.
When you come back,
everything will be taken care of.
l am not lying to Gina.
l have to tell her.
Michael, please.
Gina's happiness means more to me than
anything in the world. You know that.
lf you tell her now
that you already lied...
...it's all over.
Goddamn it!
This is your fault!
You know, l've been on your side
every step of the way.