...$80,000, lady at the front.
Eighty-five, anyone?
$85,000, gentleman at the back.
No advance. No one else. All through--
Anyone at $95,000?
Be smart, take her money.
Let me pay you later!
You're supposed to buy the painting.
-But you can make double the money!
-Just doing my job.
Yes, $95,000.
$ 1 00,000.
Anyone at $ 1 05,000?
$ 1 05,000, gentleman at the back.
May l remind you,
we recently sold a Graziosi...
...for a record $50,000,
the most ever paid for a Graziosi.
Fifty, less than ha-half
the current bidding price.
$ 1 1 0,000.
Anyone at 1 1 5?
l told you.
Certainly, to let this go for 1 1 0 would
be a crime of the greatest magnitude.
Yes! $ 1 1 5,000, gentleman at the back.
All done, and down it goes
at $ 1 1 5,000 to bidder number 702.
And that brings us to the end
of the auction. Thank you. Good night.
l can't talk. l have to see Gina.