
- What's that?
- We're not sure.

We've been to doctors.
They all say different things:

Epstein-Barr virus,
Chronic Fatigue Symptom...

- Syndrome. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
- That's it.

- You know all about it?
- A little. There's debate about it.

Some people think it's all in her head.
It's been so bad, she had to move back
to Mumford and live with us.

- I'm not sure that's the best thing.
- Why?

A lot of reasons. Several different factors.
Would you see her, Doc?

Sure. Why don't you bring her
to my office at three tomorrow afternoon?

I'm not sure she'll come. She's in a mood.
You ever go to somebody's house?
Generally it doesn't work. Sends the wrong
message to people who need to change.

This is great. This is exactly what I wanted.
Skip, you must have people
to throw ball a with.

You'd be surprised. Most guys
have kids or wives or girlfriends.

It's not as easy as you think.
- You're the head. Are they busier than you?
- Like I said, everybody works for me.

It's not the same asking someone
to throw a ball. It's like an order.

Would you say... Let me think how to put
this... Is your problem that you're lonely?

- Don't you like this?
- Sure.

Most guys would kill
to have someone to do this with.

- Have you got a lot of friends?
- Lily and I talk a bit.

- You know Lily who runs the coffee shop?
- No. I've seen her. Good-looking woman.

- She's probably ten years older than you.
- Good-looking.

She lives downstairs from me.
Got a dog named Danny Ainge.

Really? Danny Ainge? I'm the only
person I know that likes Danny Ainge.

- Outside of Celtic fans and Phoenix.
- Well, there's Lily.
