Skip, you must have people
to throw ball a with.
You'd be surprised. Most guys
have kids or wives or girlfriends.
It's not as easy as you think.
- You're the head. Are they busier than you?
- Like I said, everybody works for me.
It's not the same asking someone
to throw a ball. It's like an order.
Would you say... Let me think how to put
this... Is your problem that you're lonely?
- Don't you like this?
- Sure.
Most guys would kill
to have someone to do this with.
- Have you got a lot of friends?
- Lily and I talk a bit.
- You know Lily who runs the coffee shop?
- No. I've seen her. Good-looking woman.
- She's probably ten years older than you.
- Good-looking.
She lives downstairs from me.
Got a dog named Danny Ainge.
Really? Danny Ainge? I'm the only
person I know that likes Danny Ainge.
- Outside of Celtic fans and Phoenix.
- Well, there's Lily.
Did you know he was drafted
by the Blue Jays?
Know what kind of athlete you have to be
to be in the NBA and the majors?
- Amazing.
- Unbelievable.
Lily named her dog after him? Far out!
What kind of person
do you have to be to do this?
- What?
- This.
I would have traded any of it
to have made the Mumford High varsity.
- So, Henry Follett is a patient of yours?
- Yeah.
- He's my pharmacist.
- The guy's got some serious sex fantasies.
Pretty good, too. Lots of detail.
Nothing hard core.
Old-fashioned ones, from back when people
cared about atmosphere and character.
His fantasy life's better than his actual one,
so he's disappointed in the real thing.
- His wife got sick of it and left, took his kids.
- I wondered what happened to her.