An IRS investigator with a drug problem.
I got teamed
with this fanatic named Gregory.
He always got his man, whether
they deserved it or not. He was a closer.
Then the collection guys would clean up.
Our specialty was sleazy skulking.
We were a great team. I was a dope addict
and Gregory was insane.
Him being insane didn't make it OK
that I fell in love with his wife, Candy.
Holy shit!
Get to know your therapist.
- You were messed up, man!
- Things got a lot worse.
The way to get money out of taxpayers
is to intimidate them,
which meant building up a convincing case
whether they'd done anything wrong or not.
Our manager was pushing us hard to make
a case against a furniture maker, Warris.
Gregory started acting
more and more irrational.
We were breaking into their warehouse,
files, doing things that were over the line.
Looking back, I'm sure
Gregory knew about Candy and me.
It probably made him even crazier.
What was scary was, on our team,
I had become the responsible one.
When the case looked like collapsing,
the manager put the squeeze
on Warris's accountant, Gorbeck.
Few accountants have nothing
to worry about. Gorbeck decided to help.
Warris said he'd done nothing wrong
and threatened to fight it all the way.
He didn't expect his accountant
to turn on him.
The manager stepped up the pressure.
We didn't know
that Edmund Warris had a story, too.
He'd been fighting
chronic depression for 30 years.
During the investigation,
he fell off his medication.
One Tuesday morning, he went down
to the factory, wrote his family a letter...
then used a. 9mm automatic
they kept there to kill himself.