Looking back, I'm sure
Gregory knew about Candy and me.
It probably made him even crazier.
What was scary was, on our team,
I had become the responsible one.
When the case looked like collapsing,
the manager put the squeeze
on Warris's accountant, Gorbeck.
Few accountants have nothing
to worry about. Gorbeck decided to help.
Warris said he'd done nothing wrong
and threatened to fight it all the way.
He didn't expect his accountant
to turn on him.
The manager stepped up the pressure.
We didn't know
that Edmund Warris had a story, too.
He'd been fighting
chronic depression for 30 years.
During the investigation,
he fell off his medication.
One Tuesday morning, he went down
to the factory, wrote his family a letter...
then used a. 9mm automatic
they kept there to kill himself.
The district manager decided to blame us.
He started proceedings
to get rid of Gregory and me.
Gregory went home drunk
and beat up Candy.
Candy said she didn't wanna see me again.
She hated us and was leaving us both.
It made perfect sense to me.
A decent man was dead
and some of it was my fault.
Whatever this was, it felt like... the bottom.
I wanted to leave, too, just like Candy,
get as far away from...
... me as possible.
And so you did.
- And the drugs?
- Harder than I thought.
On my third try,
I found a place in the desert
that was run by an order of monks.