Mystery, Alaska

Scotty. Hey.
I want you to meet
the folks from the network.

- That's Jonathan Slaven. Scott Pitcher.
- Hi.

- And, uh, this is Janice Pettibone.
- My nostrils just froze.

It's a pleasure to welcome
a famous TV personality.

- Uh, hi.
- Janice, see how everybody skates here?

- Yeah.
- Even on the sidewalks. We should get some shots...

- I can't feel my nose.
- All right, then.

- She's cold.
- She's weird.

"Eskimos On Ice. "
In fact, that's what we're calling
the team: The Mystery Eskimos.

Well, we're not Eskimos.
Well, I don't think it refers
so much to your ethnicity.

And the Native Americans who do live
here call themselves Inuit, shark meat.

The deal here is we're selling
this as a human interest story.

The strange snowmen who play
on a lake... the Mystery boys.

We don't know who they are
or what they are.

All we know is they have poor dental
health and can skate like the wind.

It's a hockey game.
- How does she know what kind of dental health we have?
- Guys!

It's just a name, you know?

Nobody thinks the Dallas Cowboys
are actually cowboys.

- If this ends up making fun of us...
- Scott, it won't.

- You think I'd let that happen?
- For business, who knows?

- Excuse me?
- He's right.

- You'd bite off your own jimmy if the price were right.
- Really, Scott?

My own jimmy? You know what?
Why don't you go plan a rummage sale...

- or renew a fishing licence?
- If you try pulling something, I'll be so far up your ass...

- Gentlemen.
- You sorry piece of tit meat!

- Just talkin' about the game.
- Yeah.

If nothing else,
it's good for morale.
