Mystery, Alaska

We'll be right back
with the third period.

Different story
in the second period.

The Rangers have all the momentum now.
Five straight goals.

I feel really bad for these boys, Jimmy.
I really do.

Nobody told them
it was just a show.

There's still a period to go.
Twenty minutes. Any hope?

- I hate to say it. They're done like dinner.
- Aw, bullshit.

Hey, we're on the air.
Don't panic.
Don't panic.

We'll get our shots.
We're not out.

Balls to the walls, huh?
- You're gonna need some stitches, John.
- After.

Oh, Jesus. Can't hold a stick.
It might be broken.
Well, tape it,
'cause I'm not coming out.

- Tape it.
- We'll look at it after the game, all right?

- You all right, John?
- Yeah.

Here's what I want.
One man in, wings on wings.

- Nobody pinches. Trap the neutral zone.
- Why? We're down.

I want to keep the score close. As long
as it's not a rout, we go home winners.

Now, if we gain the zone,
you get across the blue line, you dump.

- Send in only the first guy.
- What are you talking about?

- I'm talking about we're beaten.
- We're not beaten.
