We'll get our shots.
We're not out.
Balls to the walls, huh?
- You're gonna need some stitches, John.
- After.
Oh, Jesus. Can't hold a stick.
It might be broken.
Well, tape it,
'cause I'm not coming out.
- Tape it.
- We'll look at it after the game, all right?
- You all right, John?
- Yeah.
Here's what I want.
One man in, wings on wings.
- Nobody pinches. Trap the neutral zone.
- Why? We're down.
I want to keep the score close. As long
as it's not a rout, we go home winners.
Now, if we gain the zone,
you get across the blue line, you dump.
- Send in only the first guy.
- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about we're beaten.
- We're not beaten.
I'm not beaten!
We're in this game!
- Anybody here
tired? - No. - No.
- Anybody fuckin' tired?
- No!
- Holt?
- I'm just warming up, Sheriff.
- Connor?
- I'm ready, John.
- Birdie, you with us?
- Yup.
Good. The Rangers are starting
to breathe through their mouths.
Their strides
are getting shorter.
Do not give these guys
too much respect.
- They didn't pull a dog sled, did they?
- No.
- They didn't skate the river, did they?
- No.
Forget about that fucking
circus out there.
That's still black ice.
This is our pond.
- You're goddamn right.
- That's right.
- Biebe's right.
We gotta take it to these guys.
Heads up!
This is our pond.