Nebeska udica

Why don't you cut it out?
-What's up, old man?

We're just cleaning up the mess.
-You'll suffocate us!

As if the terror from
the sky weren't enough!

That guy in the AWACS can
tell time from your watches.

Do you want to have
them bomb us again?

What did you say?
They'll bomb us again?

We're just cleaning up.
You can close your windows.

I know you well, Kajevic.
You made even little Misa
come downstairs!

What's the matter, old fart?
No one made me do anything!

If you want to clean, why don't
you clean the shelter?

I cleaned it up this morning!
-Did you hear it?

She cleaned it up!
We're no rats to spend the
whole summer in the shelter.

Don't argue with him,
just screw him!

Misa, come back inside!
I'll tie you to the bed!

And you want to play while
the bombs are falling on us!

Why don't you join the army
and serve your country?

What are you yelling for?
Who's yelling?

What are you two doing?
-Working. -Drinking.

Beer?! In this heat?!
You need booze when it's hot!

Wanna some booze? -Better have
one for us. -For you? Sure.

And for the two of you? OK?
What about you? -You don't drink

anything for me. -Never mind.
I'll drink for you too.

Come on!
I knew it!
What's up, guys? Looks like
some rusty kind of job?

Don't worry, Kaja.
We'll fix everything up.

Hey, where do you think
you're going?

Don't make uncle Toza
pull out your ears!

Hey guys, it's snowing!
