Nebeska udica

Just a heap of rusty iron.
-Who are you to say that?

You stole our basket! You
know what they do to thieves?

What? What?
-OK, I see.

You came here because
of the chick.

Ufi. I know you came
here because of Josie.

And she chose a better,
prettier and smarter man.

I don't give a shit for that
slut. I want the basket back!

Why don't we settle this
the civilised way? -How?

I mean, I'm gonna beat
the shit out of you!

Hold on! Cut that!
Jovan, give me the ball.
Let's play three on three
up to 21 . OK?

So, what do we do after
we win?

Well, if you win you can
take the basket with you.

If you lose, it stays here. You
can even drop by to play.

No way! -Why? You don't
dare, do you?

Fuck you!
He can't do it. -What you mean,
he can't? Hold him!

Where's the other basket?
That's the problem!
