Never Been Kissed

And what exactly is
your policy, Augustus?

That if you´re not getting any,
then no one can?

How many times have I fired her?
Five or six.

Did you get those story ideas
that I left on your desk?

Morning, Mr. Strauss.
Yes, the blind
foster home mother.

That was good.
I got Kahune on it.

Oh, yeah. Kahune. He´s good.
Geller, we´ve been through this.
You´re a great copy editor.
You´re maybe
my best copy editor.

You´re not a reporter.
You´ve used 5 of my ideas.
Gus, please.
Every Tom, Dick, and Harry
thinks he can write,

but a journalist gets in there
where the bombs are falling.

He´s aggressive.
He grabs the bull by the balls.

You don´t think I can
grab a bull´s balls?

Geller, you don´t want
a reporter´s life.

Trust me. They´re very messy,
and you´re all about
order and control,

and getting me my copy by 5:00.
I can be out of control.
Copy by 5:00!
maybe Gus has a point.

You know, it´s not gonna kill
you to relax and have some fun.

Hey, you know, Roger´s got
this friend Marshall in editing.

Maybe we can all go on
a double date or something.

Marshall the duke?
I swear to God, Josie! Come on!
Tell me, when is the last time
that you went on a real date?

I´m concentrating
on my career right now.

Do you own
any colored underwear?

Stripes or anything?
The right guy, he´s out there.
I´m just not gonna go kiss
a whole bunch of losers...

to get to him.
Yeah, but you know what?
Sometimes kissing losers
can be a really fun diversion.

When I finally get kissed,
I´ll know.

OK. If you´ve never
kissed a guy before,

we have bigger problems
than the underwear.

I´ve kissed a guy.
I´ve kissed guys.
