Never Been Kissed

When you´re old enough,
which none of you are.
Trust me, I should know.
´Cause when you lose it
to some guy named Junior--

with bad breath
in the back of a van...

at a Guns ´N´ Roses concert...
you´ll wish you listened
to your mother when she said,

"Nobody´s gonna wanna buy
the whole ice cream truck...

when you´re handing out
the popsicles for free."

Any questions?
Oh, I know it´s hard...
I mean difficult, difficult,
but safe sex
is really important.

OK, so just imagine
that the bananas...

are the real thing.
In a land called
Every Man´s Fantasy.

God, I can´t do this.
That´s because we don´t
have sex with bananas.

OK, wait a second.
Do you really think she
hooked up with our Rob?

I mean,
they´re so different.

Well, sometimes
opposites attract.

You know what, though?
I feel like I´m really
ready to do it.

You know, like, have sex
for the first time.

It´s a big deal.
-I know.

Just make sure you´ve
found the right person.

You know, Adélie penguins,
they spend their whole lives...
looking for that
one other penguin,

and when they meet them,
they know,

and they spend the rest
of their lives together.

But I´m not a penguin.
Oh, it´s an analogy.
Excuse me.
I have to go die now.
Hey, kids, Cindy here.
Bad news about the prom.
East Glen East is gonna
do Millennium, too.

Calm down. Calm down.
Calm down! Sit!
