Do you wanna get stuck here
the rest of your life in this hellhole?
Look, this is where I grew up, okay?
It's not a hellhole. Shoot.
I know your newspaper will find
Steve's computer fascinating.
He's so ingenious.
He built it all from spare parts.
Steven, the reporter is...
Hi. It caught fire.
My first chance at fame,
and the computer catches fire.
When I was still at Berkeley...
... I kept making
weird electronic gadgets...
... that were basically just jokes.
But, hey, you know, jokes are important.
The problem back then was
me and Steve and his girlfriend...
... were pretty much broke.
So we ended up doing some pretty
nutty things just to make money.
I know where we can get a job.
- Saw it on the bulletin board there.
- What kind of job?
I don't know. It seems
sort of like show business.
Dressing up as Alice in Wonderland
and stuff for a bunch of kids?
But, you know, Steve wasn't
exactly cut out for that stuff.
Maybe in a past life...
...I was a poet or an artist.
You know, maybe you talk about
past lives and all that stuff...
...because, well,
you don't know who you are.
What the hell are you talking about?
I don't know who I am?
Well, you don't.
I mean, you told me...
I don't wanna talk about it
with you or anyone else.
I'm just trying to help.
It wasn't like Steve and I
lost touch with each other...
...but he was definitely
in places I wasn't...
...like some ashram in India...
...and communes up in Oregon
where they picked apples all day.
It was pretty much
of a journey for Steve.