Dressing up as Alice in Wonderland
and stuff for a bunch of kids?
But, you know, Steve wasn't
exactly cut out for that stuff.
Maybe in a past life...
...I was a poet or an artist.
You know, maybe you talk about
past lives and all that stuff...
...because, well,
you don't know who you are.
What the hell are you talking about?
I don't know who I am?
Well, you don't.
I mean, you told me...
I don't wanna talk about it
with you or anyone else.
I'm just trying to help.
It wasn't like Steve and I
lost touch with each other...
...but he was definitely
in places I wasn't...
...like some ashram in India...
...and communes up in Oregon
where they picked apples all day.
It was pretty much
of a journey for Steve.
The kind that's as much
on the inside as on the outside.
I mean, he definitely must
have been to weird places.
See the new Playmate?
Miss October?
Hey, man, Miss August is way better.
Boobs out to here.
Honest to God, Ballmer.
You have no culture.
Yeah, right.
Like you go around reading Plato.
You're the only guy I know...
...who could make furniture
out of Playboys, for God sakes.
Look, you got enough
to make a chair.
You don't have to worry
about them moving...
...because they're stuck together.
- Get out.
- They're all stuck together.
- Sometimes back then...
... I could've throttled Bill Gates.
The guy could turn any human situation
into a poker game.
Forget about classes. Poker.
The fact that the world might
end tonight? No problem, poker.
Or we're finally deciphering
the meaning of life.