Surely, Mr Speaker, when the Lord Chief
Justice himself is the victim of robbery...
...the time has come for legislation.
The present system is no system at all.
We need a Police Act now.
I'm obliged to the Honourable gentleman
for raising this important matter...
...but, as usual, he evades the issue.
I assume, Mr Speaker,
that the Lord Chief Justice...
...is referring, in his customary
cheeseparing manner...
Sir, hang the expense!
The issue is freedom.
With a government-controlled police force,
freedom is a lamb led to the slaughter.
We all know what you're interested in,
and it certainly isn't freedom!
Are you never without your Bible,
Mr Chance?
It's a great consolation to me
in these wicked times.
The prime minister wishes to know how
soon you can catch these highwaymen.
Very soon, given adequate means.
Mr Chance, may I ask you
in the strictest confidence...
What is your opinion
of the Lord Chief Justice?
A fine man and a worthy master.
Well, since you press me...
...I must be frank. I think he's tired.
The job needs someone more energetic...
...with an ear closer to the ground.
You know, I do hate to be critical...