Plunkett & Macleane

Are you never without your Bible,
Mr Chance?

It's a great consolation to me
in these wicked times.

The prime minister wishes to know how
soon you can catch these highwaymen.

Very soon, given adequate means.
Mr Chance, may I ask you
in the strictest confidence...

What is your opinion
of the Lord Chief Justice?

A fine man and a worthy master.
Well, since you press me...
...I must be frank. I think he's tired.
The job needs someone more energetic...
...with an ear closer to the ground.
You know, I do hate to be critical...
The prime minister
likes to be kept informed.

- Go on, say it.
- Say what?

- Six-nil.
- That's right.

Don't worry, old man.
You'll get the hang of it.

Hand up.
Just one thing. When I...
Nice bit of lunch.
They'll all be there, you know.
Lord Braithwaite...
:34:56 of the richest men in Sussex.
