Oh, hey! You're not handsome,
you're gorgeous!
Here! You know, they had to fight off
wolves to get this rice through.
Just dish it out!
There he is!
- Where is he?
- Over there in the back.
Toki was right.
He is handsome.
- Yeah, not bad.
- But he's so young!
That never stopped you before.
Quiet out there!
We lost some good men today.
Yeah, there's lots of
gorgeous men in here, honey!
I've seen cattle
that looked better.
Listen, stranger.
Why don't you come over to our place?
You don't want to stay
in this stinking old barn.
Look, woman! We risked our lives
to bring you the rice...
you're all eating tonight,
so watch your mouth.
And who made the iron that paid
for that rice, huh? Tell me that.
Yeah, we're pumping those bellows
while you pigs are in bed.
Actually, if it's not too much trouble,
ladies, I would like to see where you work.
- You would?
- We'll have to work in makeup tonight.
Lend me your lipstick.
- Don't be a stranger.
- Don't forget now.
We'll be waiting for you.
It's best not to pay them
any mind, you know.
Lady Eboshi spoils them rotten.
That's why they're like that.
They say that happy women
make a happy village.
Happy? Ha!
Those kind of women workin' here?
Women like that- It's a disgrace.
They defile the iron.
Lady Eboshi goes around buying the
contract of every brothel girl she can find.
Milady has a kind heart,
that's all.
You got rice
on your chin, old man.
It's true. Everything here has turned
upside-down since she showed up.
That's right. She's not even afraid
of the gods, that woman.