Princess Mononoke

One day he attacked
our village.

If you want proof,
look at my hand where he touched me.

I came here to beg the Forest Spirit
to lift Nago's curse from me.

He healed the bullet wound in my side,
but the demon mark remains.

First it will tear my soul apart,
and then it will kill me.

Okkoto, finally,
a boar who will listen to reason.

No, Lord Okkoto, wait!
Please, you mustn't eat him.

Ah, you are Moro's
human child, aren't you?

I have heard of you.
You're blind.
Stand back.
I will not eat him.

It's all right, San.
My Lord Okkoto, what I said about
Nago's death was the truth.

I believe you,
and I thank you for it, young one.

I am only grieved and ashamed that such
a demon has come from our tribe.

O mighty lord, is there a way
to lift Nago's curse from me?

Leave this forest...
for the next time we meet
I will have to kill you.

You cannot win against the humans.
Their guns will destroy you all.

Look on my tribe, Moro.
We grow small,
and we grow stupid.

We will soon be nothing
but squealing game...

that the humans
hunt for their meat.

You'd risk everything
on one last battle?

That's just
what the humans want.
