It feels like I must
have been asleep for weeks.
I had a dream that San
was by my side, nursing me.
I was hoping you'd cry out
in your sleep.
Then I would have bitten
your head off to silence you.
It's a beautiful forest. Are Okkoto
and the boars on the move yet?
Yes, the boars are marching.
The trees cry out as they die,
but you cannot hear them.
I lie here.
I listen to the pain of the forest...
and feel the ache
of the bullet in my chest...
and dream of the day when I will finally
crunch that gun woman's head in my jaws.
Moro, why can't the humans
and the forest live together?
Why can't we stop
this fighting now?
The humans are gathering
for the final battle.
The flames of their guns
will burn us all.
And what happens to San? What's
your plan, to let her die with you?
Typical. Selfish.
You think like a human.
San is my daughter.
She is of the wolf tribe.
When the forest dies,
so does she.
You must set her free!
She's not a wolf. She's human!
Silence, boy.
How dare you speak
to a god like that.
I caught her human parents
defiling my forest.
They threw their baby
at my feet as they ran away.
Instead of eating her,
I raised her as my own.
Now, my poor, ugly, beautiful daughter
is neither human nor wolf.
How could you help her?
I don't know, but at least
we might find a way to live.
Will you join forces with San
and fight the humans?
No. All that would do
is cause more hatred.
There is nothing
you can do, boy.
Soon the demon mark
will spread and kill you.
Leave this place at sunrise.
Return and I shall kill you.