You're wrong! We've all been fighting to
save it! This is the thanks you give us?
- You bring bad things!
- Bad things coming, neither human or animal.
- What do you mean,
"neither human or animal"?
- They're coming!
- It's the end for us!
They're warriors.
They've come back.
My warriors!
They have come back to me
from the land of the dead.
- Forward, my warriors!
- Okkoto, listen!
- Forward to the pool of the Forest Spirit!
- Okkoto, no, wait!
No, Lord Okkoto!
Your warriors haven't come back to you.
Those are humans wearing the skins
of your warriors to hide their scent!
It's a trick!
Don't you understand? It's just a human trick
to get us to lead them to the Forest Spirit!
Come out, Forest Spirit!
If you are truly master here,
give my warriors the power to slay
the humans and be victorious!
Stop, Lord Okkoto, please!
You've got to listen!
San, they're all around us.
Okkoto's done for. Leave him!
No! I won't let him turn
into a demon like Nago did!
Tell mother that the humans are setting
a trap for the Forest Spirit.