Random Hearts

She can't eat with you
and you should call.

You can see the tail
is sticking out of the water.

You can hear choppers above me.
News choppers are getting
a better look.

Search and rescue operations...
...about an hour ago, with a reported
1 03 passengers onboard...

That aeroplane, a 1 2-year-old 737...
There's Clayton.
What the hell's he doing?
-What's this clown doing?
-I don't know.

And where's George?
-Wait a minute.
-Get Elton and Tommy back here quick.

Tommy, we need you guys back here.
Something's going down.

How you doing? What's going on?
Where's George, your partner?
In the basement.
The basement?
What's he doing in there?
A guy named Marvin is pouring booze
without a license.

We're getting ready to write him.
He comes up with a shotgun.

He says he wants money.
He tells me to get it.
He's got George.
Somebody's holding
George Beaufort hostage.

Can he send us an ear?
What's the plan, officer?
We could call police.
Is that what you're
getting ready to do?

Call the police?
There's a lot here already.

He's got a gun on George.
We gotta do something.

See, we're Internal Affairs.
You got a policeman that screws up.
You got a policeman
that abuses his position, steals.

That's us.
What do you think is going on?
You think we just happened by?
We've been on you all day. All week.
