Guess what.
- What?
- It's my birthday today.
Happy birthday.
Want to see my present?
Two minutes.
Are you still here?
- Yeah.
Are you all right in there, Snowball?
Happy birthday, Kenny.
- Who's your pal, James?
- Look, it's animal boy.
- What's that you've got?
- Stop it.
- I'm not doing anything.
- Stop it.
- Look, it's a rat.
- It's not a rat.
- What's its name, Kenny?
- Snowball.
- Ah, that's lovely.
- Let's see it out.
OnlyJames can see it.
Let me see it.
It's lovely.
- Let me see it.
- No.
Come on, you're one of the boys.
Am l, James?
Yeah, so is James.
He's one of us.
Okay, then, but only for a minute.
The little bastard bit me.
Give me my mouse back.
The fucking thing cut my finger.