l can't see any problem in you
handling both sides of the operation.
- At least until volumes increase.
- Right.
You shouldn't need more than two
on the trading floor.
A couple more in the back office.
No need to pay top dollar.
Get them young, get them hungry
and train them up.
- l'm a bottom line kind of guy, Nick.
- Absolutely. That's my philosophy.
l took him at his word.
My team were young, hungry...
..and they didn't have a clue.
A futures contract allows you to buy or
sell a specified amount of a commodity...
..at a specified price at a future date.
Right. Um...
lt's like, if l agree to sell you this cup
of cappuccino, which l don't yet own,...
..at 45 cents a month from now...
lf l can buy the cappuccino at,
say, 43 cents, l make a profit.
lf the price goes the other way
l have to pay more, and l lose.
lt's timing - buying and selling
at the right moment.
Sometimes espresso might be
the best deal, or salt, or pepper.
So, we're running a supermarket?
We're not buying and selling
anything real.
lt's just numbers - contracts
based on the value of the Nikkei,...
..the Tokyo stock market.
- Er, we do this for the bank?
- No, no, for the customers.
We are not allowed to trade
on behalf of the bank.
Be sure you remember that, all right?
Other dealers wear red jackets. All same.
Red is lucky Chinese colour.
Well, we want to stand out. We're a
new operation. We need to be noticed.
May be bad luck. Different colour.
Bollocks. We make our own luck.
Nick's right.
We're cool dudes, man. Whoo!
(Nick chuckles)
# Barrett Strong:
''Money (That's What l Want)''
(roar of voices)