What the hell are you playing at?
Out! Get out!
Fuckin' hell!
- Agh.
- God, you're tense. Stiff as a board.
lf you only knew! All cos those bastards
won't let me hire proper staff.
- l thought it was going so well.
- lt is. lt's going brilliant.
l just spend most of my life
covering everybody else's arse.
Well, why don't you let me
help with the back office?
- l'm bored being a lady of leisure.
- No.
Why not? lt's ridiculous, you having
to handle trading and settlements.
You'll have a nervous breakdown.
l don't want you interfering.
l can handle it.
All right, keep your pants on!
No one's saying you can't.
l'm not going back to being
a bloody clerk. l'd rather be a plasterer.
My mum always used to say
l could be anything l wanted,...
..so long as l took my chances -
and worked like a dog.
Well, you have.
You've worked really hard and it paid off.
She'd have been so proud of you.
Do you really think so?
l know l am!
That was the worst part -
Lisa thinking l was this brilliant success.
lf she only knew
what a fuck-up l really was!
When l wanted the market
to go up, it went down.
lf l wanted it to go down, it went up.
lt was hard not to take it personally.
Nick! l just worked out the balance
in the eights account.
- The losses are over $10 million!
- Keep your fuckin' voice down!
Look, there's no need to panic.
There's not enough in the client account
to make margin payments, Nick.
(softly) Right.
l need dollars. l need dollars
to cover the initial margin payment!